Monday, July 12, 2010

Does the ad affect us?

While driving down the road on Friday, I noticed a handwritten sign on the island next to the light where I was waiting (the avarage American spends two weeks of their lives stopped at red lights...what a waste). The sign was handwritten, (poorly I might add) and it advertised a house for sale. As I looked at the sign I thought, that house is probably a terrible little run down shanty on the worst street in Houston.

The light changed and I drove away.

At the next light I look up and see a billboard on the 45 that is advertising Remax and it says in bold letters: SOLD! I thought, Remax sales awesome houses, look at their sign.

As I rolled away from the light, I was suddenly struck by the thought: Kevin, you have no idea about the house with the handwritten ad and you have no idea about the house that is proclaimed by $10k billboards. The truth is you have never looked at the inside of the house, spoken with anyone who knows the house, researched who built the house...truthfully, you have judged the house by standards that do not tell the real story. You have allowed someone to influence your opinion based soley on their "advertisment". After all, is it not possible that the handwritten ad could be offering the finest home in Houston? Is it not feasible that Remax may sale a run down shanty on the worse street in Houston?

I am convicted. God, please continue to convict me when I judge someone or something without understanding of that person or thing. Forgive me when I judge based on "advertisement".

Someone placed both of those ads in my world and I allowed what that person placed in my world to affect my thinking about the house. Even though I did not really know or understand the house.

I want to love God and love others like never before. I want to present myself and others to God. Period. No preconcieved ideas, explanations or excuses. When someone places an "ad" in my world, I want to ignore the ad and get to know the truth.

I also want to know God like never before. I have promised God that I will study His word and know him for myself. I will not allow the "ads" that have been placed in my life to tell the story...I will research, question, study, learn and love His word for myself.

The truth is that God Made me and He has plenty of Grace and Mercy to save me. He left me an instruction manual that has EVERYTHING I need to know in it and he wants me to learn it for myself. I will not look at the advertising, will not be sold by the commercial, the facade...I know that you made all of us and you have given me Your word. That is really all I need to know.

Today, I will ignore the ads!