Thursday, May 27, 2010

22 Years

Well here I am on Mexicana airlines. Headed to Isla Majeres with my chick and two awesome friends. Celebrating 22 years of wedded bliss to my soul mate.

Wedded bliss? What is that? Well in my life that has been interesting.

We have had money, no money, plans dreams, no plans or dreams.

We have had quiet moments of wonderful reflection and we have had some louder moments of sincere discussion…

We have celebrated the births of three beautiful girls, experienced fear during one of those, experienced unbelievable joy during all three (well at least I did, maybe not so much for Julie).

We have been thin and young. Now I am old and fat.

We have been on every diet known to man…grapefruit? Seriously? What was I thinking? I have gained and lost at least two of myself.

Julie has maintained an incredible workout schedule for at least 20 of these years and it shows. She is smoking!!!

I have chased every dream I ever had and she has supported all those endeavors.

We dream together…5 kids, Fortune 500 company, Mansions, land, pool (still working on that one), Harley’s, RV’s, summer homes, lake houses, Colorado (that is going to happen)

We love our friends. We have been blessed with many and each has a special place and time of influence

We have experienced babies, toddlers, adolescents and teenagers…wow we wish they came with a manual.

We have experienced Christ in an incredible way. Growing everyday and realizing two things about Him: There is so much too know and He loves us way more than we could ever love Him

We love our church. Life…thanks, thanks for loving us, accepting us and influencing our lives toward knowing who He really is

We are thankful for every spiritual influence He has sent our way. We are thankful for every experience and the knowledge and influence of each

We are thankful for godly parents

We travel. We work really hard to pay for trip.

We love big Christmas. We work really hard to pay for big Christmas.

We like quality food and incredible ambiance (for you Scott).

We work really hard to pay for quality food and ambiance.

We like to give our kids cool stuff

We work really hard to pay for cool stuff…I think I see a trend here.

We do have a trend…we committed to the task of commitment. When you commit to that, it does not release or protect you from bumps and bruises.

It does not remove every obstacle.

It does not remove every hurt.

It does not remove every temptation.

It does mean that no matter what happens, at the end of the day we will NOT go to sleep being mad at one another (been some long nights in the Gary house (for you Denise))

It does mean that we will learn what it means to love one another and we learn something new everyday

It does mean that we will learn what it takes to raise the children God gave us.

It means we have entered His kingdom and we will be an asset to His kingdom (for you Royce, see I do listen)

It also means that we will make mistakes trying.

It also means we have to admit those mistakes

It means we will dance (huh girls?)

It means we will fall

It means we will get up

22 years and on our way to Isla Mujeres. Daughters that have accepted the responsibility of taking care of things (their little baby angel), friends that will be with us, friends that will be there if the girls need them, parents who will assist and God who will protect all of us.

22 years of dreaming

22 years and no bitterness

22 years, and we have no enemies (if you consider us an enemy, please forgive us and don’t tell us)

22 years of success

22 years of failure

22 years of love

22 years of DANCING!

My hope and prayer for each of you is this same life…I would not change a thing!

Go out today and DANCE!

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder

You get your fill to eat

But always keep that hunger

May you never take one single breath for granted

God forbid love ever leave you empty handed

I hope you still feel small

When you stand by the ocean

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens

Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance