Friday, January 2, 2009

New Thing For Me

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Recently a friend of mine had the opportunity to visit the olympics in Beijing. She used a blog to spread the word about the awesome time she was having and the great experience the Olympics proved to be. In addition, another friend was chosen as a delegate at the Republican National Convention and he used a blog to relay news from the convention floor.
This got me to thinking about all the wonderful opportunities that I have been afforded and I started thinking that a blog would be a great place to record those for two reasons:
1. So that I will not forget them and I can bore my grandchildren with the stories in the future.
2. I want to be able to look at these cool events on days when the stress and pressure of my life feels unbearable, so that I am reminded of the good times.

So that being said, I will start to list cool events, awesome blessings and random musings from a 40 something that is still a big kid at heart. Some will be from years ago (when I happen to remember them) and some will be more recent (next blog will be about recent Hawaii vacation). Overall, no one will be responsible for this except me, so if you think it is stupid......blame.......oh I don't know pick one. How about Global Warming or Sweet -N-Low. They get blamed for everything else.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well Well, Ike came to Galveston on Saturday. Here is the cool part. School was cancelled for the girls on Friday and I remembered hearing of this new really cool hotel in the Dallas area. Based on these two facts we decided on a mini vacation. On Thursday morning I made sure to tie up some loose ends and we headed off on our mini-v. Took 7 hours to get to Dallas because of Houston traffic; however, we did stop at Woody's Smokehouse in Centerville, TX where we ate some of the best BBQ ever. I would highly suggest the Ribs, Chopped Beef or Chicken. All were delectable!!!!

We arrived in Grapevine @ about 8PM and checked into the Great Wolf Lodge. What a cool hotel. It is decorated like you are in the middle of Colorado wilderness and it has an indoor water park that is included in the price of a room. We took Averi down to the Waterpark (although it would only be open for 10 more min) because she "could not wait". She ran thru the humongus treehouse and played as hard as possible for the entire 10. Up the next morning and spent the rest of the day in the wave pool (where Amanda, Ashton and Averi tried to dunk me to no avail), huge slides and lazy river. I highly suggest this place.

Left Grapevine on Friday afternoon and drove South to Troy, TX the home of the Bass Family (my sister Tammye, her husband Kenneth, Karonna and Kasey). They have become our primary point of evacuation for impending Hurricanes. They were nice enough to take us in and while we were there we saw the Simoneaux family who were in from Africa. Now that is really running from the storm!!!! No, actually they were in Houston and had to flee. We made contact and were able to have dinner with them. How cool is that? Ike came and because of that, we got to renew old aquantances and stay with our family.

Oh well, it is Tuesday and it looks like my electricity will be back on by this afternoon or tomorrow morning. C ya soon!!!!!

Ike Devastation

Friday, September 19, 2008

First of all, I would like to say Thank you to my buddy, Kenny Pierce. Kenny stayed in Santa Fe during the storm and when I returned (after he told me the electricity was back on) he had already reset my tree that fell over due to Ike. Thanks Kenny! UDMan

Well today I witnessed first hand the worst devastation I have ever seen in my life. Pastor Jim and I visited some of the church families that live in Seabrook. Each of them had approximately 4 feet of standing water in their homes. There are thousands of trees and limbs laying everywhere. Houses have been lifted off their slabs and moved accross the street. Many houses on piers were literally blown off the piers. Cars are blown all over the place. Yachts have been blown all over. I saw a Bart Simpson character from Kemah Boardwalk all the way across the bay and laying in a neighborhood. There is a refrigerated reefer (18 wheeler trailer) out in the bay about 300 yards from the shore. See my Kemah Devastation Pics

I also saw the Peace of God that passes all understanding. People who are facing the very worst times, looked at me and said "we may have lost all material things but we still have our family, we are blessed. We found out that these material things are not really that important." When they were saying this I looked into their eyes and I came to understand "the Peace of God". Wow! What a great blessing!

Awesome People

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Awesome people

This has been an interesting week! I have made new friends because of Ike and the experience has caused me to think about people. These are my random thoughts.

Many times we see and hear bout people we would consider "bad". I mean come on, don't you think a murderer is a bad person? Seems we hear an awful lot about people like that. Well, I am going to tell you about the "good" people I met / observed this week.

First there were the volunteers that worked untiringly to help those devastated by Hurricane Ike. Over 100 volunteers from Life Church were in Seabrook on Thursday, Friday and Saturday working in some of the worst conditions imaginable. They never complained and stayed until the job was done. While working there, I looked around me and I saw volunteers at many different places, all smiling and working extremely hard....for free! There are STILL great people in the world and I think that they should get more attention.

I met a single mom who has three beautiful daughters living in Deer Park. As i spoke with her I learned that she teaches students with special needs. I listened as she spoke with passion and love. Not for her children (although she obviously loved them greatly) but for children that belong to others. She told story after story about the HONOR of working with these kids and making a difference in their lives.

I met another family with a special needs son. I watched as they poured love upon him and laughed with them as they told stories about his "escapades". They talked about how he flooded the upstairs of their home, drove his dad's truck (he is about 9) and followed all that with "he is the greatest blessing our lives have received". I am in awe of them!!

This morning I saw a picture of the new Student Center at Life Church. I am amazed at how totally cool it is. (See my pics) This Student Center was done with volunteer help. These guys (if I try to name all I will forget some) and gal (Kristie, your the best admin asst ever)worked untiringly to meet a deadline that was almost impossible. No one complained. Every time I saw them they were smiling and working hard.

These are the kind of people who we should recognize. Forget the derelicts of society. Find the quiet volunteer, the generous giver, the person who is always available to help and never expects to be recognized.

This is a challenge! Find a "good" person today and say "Thanks". Thanks for all you do as a "good" person.

To the people I spoke about in this blog. Thank you! You changed my life this week.


Written in Nov and posted on MySpace

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to watch Amanda play volleyball in her last game as a senior. Wow did that bring back a rush of memories. In my first blog here, I said I would be posting random musings and memories as they pop in my head.

I remember the day that Amanda was born. At about 3AM, Julie wakes up and says "Kevin, I think my water broke". I was leaving at 4 to go work in San Antonio so I was glad the warning came when it did. Julie gets up and goes to the restroom, I get up and follow. As I walked behind her, I was certain that her water had indeed forward past epidural, breakfast with Father and Father-in-law, "get me a Dr. Pepper as soon as the baby is born", 40 people in the L&D room, my announcement that I would watch the Astros that night with my BOY and my surprise at the beautiful baby GIRL God honored me with and we arrive at a quiet time after everyone is gone and Julie and I are staring at this beautiful baby girl that I am holding. As I rock her, Amanda opens her eyes and looks at me. From that moment to this, I am wrapped around her finger and she knows it.

As she became upset because her team was losing, I remembered many times that we have shared...."look Julie she rolled over" (all the family came over after church to see the amazing feat), airplaning, her stubborness (pick up the pen and give it to Mom), our POOP experience, walking in the rain, her swing set on Sweetbriar, first boyfriend, bad boyfriend, promise ring, first car, first wreck ($4300)....

She became more upset and I realized that she has some of my attributes that she would be better of without. I remembered the stupid jokes that are only funny to Amanda, Ashton and I. I remembered "life lessons", explanations of why (not just because I said so), talks that have shown me she is a logical thinker and really really thinks thru a decision.

Most of all, I remembered Butterfly Kisses....she caught me on the couch as it came on the radio and turned it up, came over and crawled in my lap for the entire song (I cried) and gave me a butterfly kiss......I remember a kiss or phone call every night (never missed one) and I remember that I am proud of her. She is turning into a young lady, reaching for independence and finding her own way. I don't think she is near as scared as I am; however, I know she will "do her best" and I know that I will stand beside her no matter what and we will face the world together standing side by side.

Wow, being a Dad is the greatest!


Actually written and posted to MySpace before Christmas

Wow! Since Hurricane Ike my life has been cccrrrraaazzzyyy! My wife and kids have been absolutely terrific (as if they weren't before) and I have been working like a madman. Kenny is relentless and awesome, Eldredge and I have laughed about "Grand Slams" (the pitch, he swings, ooooohhhhhh it is GONE) more than any two people should be allowed to be amused.

Now I am setting in Branson Missouri in the coolest house anyone could ever desire. There is a little loft on the 3rd floor with a chair, footstool and bookshelf filled with wonderment. I am setting in that chair and I am blown away by the goodness of God and the incredible love of Family.

When we arrived on Saturday night we immediately left for Noah (the drama), upon our arrival I see Joel Osteen in the parking lot and get to intro myself to him (said he was getting away from the big city for a few days. I empathize). Appreciate someone that is comfortable with themselves no matter what critics might say! Saw the incredible production (all the animals were moving! you have to be there). Woke up Sunday morning took a long hot shower and spent the rest of the day laying around in pajama pants and being spoiled by the greatest parents on earth. Watched football with Kenneth (brother-in-law) and Dad. Begin to think about all my friends. Wow, I am blessed.

I have now visited Branson Landing and Dixie Stampede. It is about 20 degrees and we are about to go to Silver Dollar City. COOL HUH!. Today I received a friend request from Donnie Farrell a high school friend that I have not heard from in forever. Went to his myspace page and became reaquainted with him and his family. It is so cool to see a pic of him with the explanation that he is trying to lead his young people in the right direction. Wow! You go Donnie! Now I am remembering all my great friends from the old ACA. Good times! Surprised Bro. Porter was not grey earlier. And by the way, THANKS Bro. Porter we all owe you a debt we will never be able to repay.

Boy am I nostalgic or what? Oh well, I am blessed and honored that each of you have chosen to tolerate me for all these years and allowed me to call you friend. I hope that each of you have a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2009!

P.S. I want a cobalt blue steel Daisy Red Ryder with a compass in the stock.