Monday, November 9, 2009

My Birthday

Today I celebrate 16,060 days of existence on this great planet. The day started with my wonderful girls (all 4 of them) singing to me and telling me they were proud of me. Spent time at lunch with special friends while enjoying Greek Salad and shrimp (no Irma’s). Awesome!! Came home to one of my favorite meals (with chocolate cake) and spent time enjoying the artwork and love of my girls.

I have received countless birthday wishes. As I began to reflect on those, I realized all over again how blessed I am. I have heard from people who have been friends since we moved to Houston when I was less than two years old. Heard from people who have become friends during this last year and acquaintances made in between.

Spent the day working in the office so I had the opportunity to reflect on every person as the birthday wishes came in. I remembered how every person has affected me in some way. With some, many memories have been made. With others, we have just started making memories. I think I am getting older (although I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up) because I get so sentimental when I realize how much those influences have molded me into the person I am today.

I am truly thankful for every experience and every memory and my prayer is that my influence will create memories for those around me that will make them smile as they have made me smile today. Now my girls have granted me one last birthday wish…control of the remote. Can anyone say Monday Night Football!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Mom


Happy Mothers Day!

I have often thought about what I would say if I was ever asked to speak at a Mother Daughter Banquet and how I would say it without bawling like a little girl the whole time.

I would talk about Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I think about Mary and what type of lady she must have been. Knowing that so many attributes in our lives are displayed in the actions of our children, I consider her attributes. When I begin to think about those attributes my mind always goes back to you and how your life must resemble the life of Mary.

Caring – Jesus was so compassionate. He always made every situation better. He stopped and healed the sick; he took time for those who were not accepted by others, he handled disputes in a way that resulted in win-win, he taught and led and example. Jesus loved His children so much that He paid the ultimate price so they could experience undeserved Grace. He Cared! Mary must have really cared for those she came in contact with.
Mom, I have watched you for many years and I know you like few others do. You have stopped in the restroom and provided a damp washcloth, a gentle rub and a prayer while Tammye and I were so sick we thought we would not live. I have also seen you take the same care and compassion with kids that were not even yours. I have watched you be the Peacemaker in our family and in the lives of others. You have an incredible ability to say the right thing so a situation will calm. Tammye and I were close when we were younger and still are to this day. That is because our Mom worked hard to keep our family united. I have heard many people tell me they loved to stop by your office at the church and have “little talks” with Ma Gary. You teach everyone you come in contact with and you never want anyone to feel left out. You have always wanted to help everyone you can. You paid a great price to work in God’s Kingdom and make a difference. While others pursued successful careers, you worked to make a difference in the lives of a bunch of crazy kids. We all experience Grace today, in part because you were there to point us in that direction. I cannot think of anyone who cares for people anymore than you.

Organized – Mary must have been incredibly organized. She also had to possess incredible training skills. She was responsible for the Savior of the world. He had to be trained properly. He had to understand right from wrong; he would be tempted in every way after all. He needed to be responsible. He had to accept the consequences of His actions. When He could have called 10,000 angels, he accepted the responsibility that was ultimately His.
When Dad told me I could go to Florida with the youth but my car would set in the driveway with a busted engine. You could have persuaded him otherwise but you understood that there would come a day when Dad would not be there to bail me out and I needed to know responsibility. You set up at night waiting on Tammye and I to get home and then you would spend time listening to our lives and offering training so we would be prepared to face life. You have always had your “list” and I must admit that The List has made a difference in our lives. You never told us we had to have a list but you led by example and now my life sometimes (a lot of times) seems out of control and I refer to “My List” to get it under control. Many times I have been called to accept responsibility for my actions. You never tried to use position or influence to change the consequences. Instead you stood beside me, helped me, loved me and offered direction that would detour me from those actions in the future.

Enabler– Mary knew when He needed to be gently pushed. She also knew when it was time to step back and allow Him to be about His Fathers business. Looking back, I see many times that you could have diverted problems because you knew the outcome would be different than I expected. You knew it was time to step back. Wow, that must have been so hard! (I have kids now…) Because of those times, I have been able to learn invaluable life lessons. There have been times that you have made gentle suggestions and you have always encouraged me to pursue my legend. Mary enabled her Son to a point that He felt He could accomplish anything He set His mind to. And He was the greatest man that ever lived. Mom you have always made me feel like I could conquer the world if I set my mind to it.

Godly – Mary must have been the most godly lady on the face of the Earth. In fact, she was so godly that she was chosen to bear and raise the Savior of the entire world. I have been blessed to have a Mom that is an incredible example of what it means to be a Christ-follower. I have watched your life and learned how to love my enemies, forgive, keep silent (although some would say this is still a work in progress), walk away when it is best and most importantly, develop a relationship with God. “If you can’t say something nice do not say anything”, how many times? Kevin, do not say that. Kevin, treat others like you want to be treated. Bubb, you have to learn to control your temper and your tongue. Kevin, stand tall and be proud of what you are. Bubb, is that the way you really feel? Kevin, act like Jesus himself is in the room with you and base your actions on that. I know how to conduct myself in a Christ-like fashion because you led me by example.

Mom, I am certain that Mary was a very special and Godly lady. I am also certain that you and Mary have a lot in common except I think you would be a better Mom. Everyday I think about you and Dad and I hope that I am making you proud. I love you and I am so proud to call you my mother. Happy Mothers Day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Wow! Ashton you are turning 15 tomorrow. I remember when you promised me you would be 5 forever. "Really Daddy I will always be your 5 YEARS old". Well, you are no longer 5 but you still have the same smile that you had then and you still light up my day, everyday. No matter how bad my day has been, when I come home you always come running, smiling and telling me you love me. Really lets me know that everything is going to be ok.

We have a big date tomorrow night and I will do my best to explain to you the importance of Commitment. Being committed to God first and foremost. While planning this, I started thinking about your story and why I think God has BIG plans for you....not far into your life Mom began to have complications. Seems you were really anxious to enter the world. 26 weeks into your life, your Mom and I were at anniversary services for Pastor & Mrs. McClain. Your Mom sang a beautiful song in the service and in the middle of serving family and friends I was told that something happened to your Mom. We rushed to the emergency room and they immediately began trying to persuade you to refrain from being born. I overheard a phone conversation when the nurse told the doctor that she did not think she could stop the birth and she was afraid that the doctor would not make it in time. Scared. Due to the incredible work of the doctor and staff, you were convinced to wait a little bit before changing our world.

I remember watching your Mom over the next three weeks. She was on complete bed-rest because the doctor had told us you could not come into this world until your lungs had a chance to develop more. They gave your Mother a shot every week that took 5 minutes to complete. The entire time they were administering the shot she had to remain completely still. I remember tears rolling down her face because of the pain, but she never moved. This shot was to help develop your lungs faster so you could make your World Premiere. The shot also made you Mother very hot and everyone who came to visit wore a jacket because her room was freezing.

After a couple weeks, we made the decision that I should start staying at home more because Amanda was young and did not understand why her parents were not with her. One night your mom called me numerous times saying that the baby was about to be born. Based on data coming from the contraction monitor, her fears seemed unfounded. At shift change the nurse completed an examination only to learn that mom was indeed about to give birth. I remember the phone call very clearly, "Kevin, Julie is about to have the baby and we will not be able to stop it this time, please Hurry".

After leaving Amanda with Mamaw & Pawpaw and rushing to Labor & Delivery, I immediately ask about you and your mom. The nurse just handed me a set of scrubs and explained that she could not tell me anything. I went into a dark cold room to change clothes and I remember feeling more alone than I have ever felt in my life. After changing, I was escorted down a long dark hallway that was very quiet. Escorted from the serenity of this hallway thru a door and into controlled chaos. You had indeed made your first premiere. There were nurses and doctors running everywhere and in the middle of the room there was an operating table with Mom laying on it. I went to her to make sure she was okay and she directed my attention to the corner of the room where my new little Ashie was being attended by numerous Medical personnel. I walked over and looked at my new darling and I immediately begin to think about how I would tell Julie that our new baby did not live. You were so tiny and almost transparent looking. I could see your veins and you were INCREDIBLY small (two pounds). Miraculously, you made it into the stage 3 neonatal unit. This is where you began to receive your pampered treatment. Your bed and 24 hr. nurse cost over $750 per day! You were under a sunlamp and covered by a special wrap. Youngest customer ever to attend day spa!

At first report, the doctor began to explain that you would have head bleeds (born natural and breech) and they could be very dangerous. The doctor explained that these head bleeds could cause Cerebral Palsy and it would be two weeks before we knew about the severity of them. There were wires and tubes everywhere. Your little hands were so small that they could not put a needle into them. You IV had to be inserted into your foot. Your life was hanging in the balance and your Mom and I learned what it meant to be really really scared.

During this time, Pastor McClain had our entire church praying. All our family and friends everywhere were praying. As this premiere continued, we began to feel a peace like I have never known before or since. I think this was God's way of telling your Mom and I not to worry, He had BIG plans for you.

Everyday we would go to the hospital and observe you as you received the Royal Treatment. You were indeed a celebrity. One day the doctor called before we arrived at the hospital and asked us to come immediately. There had been a problem. We soon learned that the vein carrying your medication had ruptured and caused a burn behind your knee, from the inside out. Plastic surgery on a baby doll requires incredible skill and God directed the surgeon to repair you good as new. You have a scar on the back of your leg. Another reminder that God has His hand on you and He has BIG plans for you.

On the day you were born, we noticed a smudge on your shoulder. We thought it was dried blood that the nurse had failed to clean. To our amazement, we learned all about hemangioma. Turns out this "dried blood" was hemangioma that continued to grow. We learned that you have hemangioma in your liver. As you grow they become evident in a number of areas on your body. The doctor had some concern about the ones located in your liver so you had extensive testing and they decided that these would be okay if we watched them.

The day we brought you home from the hospital we were so happy! You were very very little and it took you a couple years to catch up to cousin Kasey. The doctor told us to be prepared for an independent young lady. He said that they place a baby on it's Mothers chest immediately after birth so the baby will feel the heartbeat and know Mom is still there. You were not able to experience that. You had to fight on your own and therefore would be very independent and maybe even a little bit of a loner. I am with him on the independent, you would not let us do anything for you as a child, but the loner tag doesn't really apply although you do enjoy your quite time. As you grew, there have been numerous trips to the hospital. One time you were so sick that you were placed in a tent. Again, you could not have a normal visit to the hospital, it had to be a camping trip....

Tubes were installed, Tonsils were removed, hemangioma were removed and eventually a broken leg. Trying to get a cookie, you twist violently and slide off the counter. The doctor puts a cast on that goes to your hip. He explains that the high cast is necessary so that you will not be able to walk. Your Mom and I explain that he does not know you! He says trust me I know what I am doing.....that afternoon you were RUNNING on the cast. Like WE said, he did not know you. After that, you go running to the door to tell Mommy bye, hit the corner and immediately get stitches in you forehead. See, all these things happening to you and you are still alive. I told you God has big plans for you!

Teeth are coming in and to our surprise they are missing an essential element...ENAMEL. Trip after trip to the dentist for special treatment on the toothage. Talk about pampered princess! The missing enamel is the only result of all the morphine that you received as a baby. God is good! When your adult teeth came in, they were fine.

I remember laying in bed at night and waiting on you to come in. You would walk up to the bed in you "shorts like daddy's" and t-shirt. You would tell me to close my eyes and then you would take off your t-shirt (it was ok to see you w/o shirt but not okay to watch you undress). You wanted to look like daddy! You would then crawl in bed beside me so we could snuggle-up. The only one of my girls that really likes to snuggle. I loved those moments! They passed way to quickly and they do not come often enough now.

Remember you starring in a fashion show as a little girl (well I thought you were the star) and being scared. We developed our little sign to let you know all would be ok. Thumbs up and a wink! It is still going to be ok, Daddy will always be there.

As you started school, a hearing problem was discovered. Instead of making this an excuse for you, we went to all your teachers and explained your situation. We asked them to set you in front of the room (more preferential treatment for the princess) so you would be able to hear. We asked them to be sure you were looking at them when they spoke to you. We also asked them to never tell you that there was a problem. We knew you could overcome because we had witnessed your ability to overcome your entire life. When you were 12 the doctor finally felt like your ear insides had matured enough that he could perform surgery and repair the problem. Your Mom and I searched for the best possible doctor. After finding him, we visited him a number of times to be sure. He told us about the chance that you could never hear out of that ear again. We prayed and experienced fear all over again. I remember the doctor coming into recovery after the surgery and tapping on the large cone they had placed on your ear. As he tapped, he asked if you could hear it? You said yes! The doctor turned to us and said "it was successful. There is no way she would have heard that before". God is so good.

You, Amanda and I will always share a special Colorado story! "beeeeeppppp ......................."

Our dates are so much fun. You obviously are not my "5 years old" anymore but you are and will always be Daddy's little bitty. As I watch you grow into a young lady and I see your personality develop, I continue to be thankful that you are kind, considerate, compassionate and loving. I love our "life lesson" talks. You have stretched me and enriched me in ways that you will never know. We still have many trails to traverse and paths to follow. I look forward to each. I will always be committed to stand beside you. No matter what happens, we will face it together!!! I am so proud of the lady you are becoming. Remember our conversation tomorrow night and stay committed to God, yourself and your family. Most of all, Dance!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Thing For Me

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Recently a friend of mine had the opportunity to visit the olympics in Beijing. She used a blog to spread the word about the awesome time she was having and the great experience the Olympics proved to be. In addition, another friend was chosen as a delegate at the Republican National Convention and he used a blog to relay news from the convention floor.
This got me to thinking about all the wonderful opportunities that I have been afforded and I started thinking that a blog would be a great place to record those for two reasons:
1. So that I will not forget them and I can bore my grandchildren with the stories in the future.
2. I want to be able to look at these cool events on days when the stress and pressure of my life feels unbearable, so that I am reminded of the good times.

So that being said, I will start to list cool events, awesome blessings and random musings from a 40 something that is still a big kid at heart. Some will be from years ago (when I happen to remember them) and some will be more recent (next blog will be about recent Hawaii vacation). Overall, no one will be responsible for this except me, so if you think it is stupid......blame.......oh I don't know pick one. How about Global Warming or Sweet -N-Low. They get blamed for everything else.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well Well, Ike came to Galveston on Saturday. Here is the cool part. School was cancelled for the girls on Friday and I remembered hearing of this new really cool hotel in the Dallas area. Based on these two facts we decided on a mini vacation. On Thursday morning I made sure to tie up some loose ends and we headed off on our mini-v. Took 7 hours to get to Dallas because of Houston traffic; however, we did stop at Woody's Smokehouse in Centerville, TX where we ate some of the best BBQ ever. I would highly suggest the Ribs, Chopped Beef or Chicken. All were delectable!!!!

We arrived in Grapevine @ about 8PM and checked into the Great Wolf Lodge. What a cool hotel. It is decorated like you are in the middle of Colorado wilderness and it has an indoor water park that is included in the price of a room. We took Averi down to the Waterpark (although it would only be open for 10 more min) because she "could not wait". She ran thru the humongus treehouse and played as hard as possible for the entire 10. Up the next morning and spent the rest of the day in the wave pool (where Amanda, Ashton and Averi tried to dunk me to no avail), huge slides and lazy river. I highly suggest this place.

Left Grapevine on Friday afternoon and drove South to Troy, TX the home of the Bass Family (my sister Tammye, her husband Kenneth, Karonna and Kasey). They have become our primary point of evacuation for impending Hurricanes. They were nice enough to take us in and while we were there we saw the Simoneaux family who were in from Africa. Now that is really running from the storm!!!! No, actually they were in Houston and had to flee. We made contact and were able to have dinner with them. How cool is that? Ike came and because of that, we got to renew old aquantances and stay with our family.

Oh well, it is Tuesday and it looks like my electricity will be back on by this afternoon or tomorrow morning. C ya soon!!!!!

Ike Devastation

Friday, September 19, 2008

First of all, I would like to say Thank you to my buddy, Kenny Pierce. Kenny stayed in Santa Fe during the storm and when I returned (after he told me the electricity was back on) he had already reset my tree that fell over due to Ike. Thanks Kenny! UDMan

Well today I witnessed first hand the worst devastation I have ever seen in my life. Pastor Jim and I visited some of the church families that live in Seabrook. Each of them had approximately 4 feet of standing water in their homes. There are thousands of trees and limbs laying everywhere. Houses have been lifted off their slabs and moved accross the street. Many houses on piers were literally blown off the piers. Cars are blown all over the place. Yachts have been blown all over. I saw a Bart Simpson character from Kemah Boardwalk all the way across the bay and laying in a neighborhood. There is a refrigerated reefer (18 wheeler trailer) out in the bay about 300 yards from the shore. See my Kemah Devastation Pics

I also saw the Peace of God that passes all understanding. People who are facing the very worst times, looked at me and said "we may have lost all material things but we still have our family, we are blessed. We found out that these material things are not really that important." When they were saying this I looked into their eyes and I came to understand "the Peace of God". Wow! What a great blessing!

Awesome People

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Awesome people

This has been an interesting week! I have made new friends because of Ike and the experience has caused me to think about people. These are my random thoughts.

Many times we see and hear bout people we would consider "bad". I mean come on, don't you think a murderer is a bad person? Seems we hear an awful lot about people like that. Well, I am going to tell you about the "good" people I met / observed this week.

First there were the volunteers that worked untiringly to help those devastated by Hurricane Ike. Over 100 volunteers from Life Church were in Seabrook on Thursday, Friday and Saturday working in some of the worst conditions imaginable. They never complained and stayed until the job was done. While working there, I looked around me and I saw volunteers at many different places, all smiling and working extremely hard....for free! There are STILL great people in the world and I think that they should get more attention.

I met a single mom who has three beautiful daughters living in Deer Park. As i spoke with her I learned that she teaches students with special needs. I listened as she spoke with passion and love. Not for her children (although she obviously loved them greatly) but for children that belong to others. She told story after story about the HONOR of working with these kids and making a difference in their lives.

I met another family with a special needs son. I watched as they poured love upon him and laughed with them as they told stories about his "escapades". They talked about how he flooded the upstairs of their home, drove his dad's truck (he is about 9) and followed all that with "he is the greatest blessing our lives have received". I am in awe of them!!

This morning I saw a picture of the new Student Center at Life Church. I am amazed at how totally cool it is. (See my pics) This Student Center was done with volunteer help. These guys (if I try to name all I will forget some) and gal (Kristie, your the best admin asst ever)worked untiringly to meet a deadline that was almost impossible. No one complained. Every time I saw them they were smiling and working hard.

These are the kind of people who we should recognize. Forget the derelicts of society. Find the quiet volunteer, the generous giver, the person who is always available to help and never expects to be recognized.

This is a challenge! Find a "good" person today and say "Thanks". Thanks for all you do as a "good" person.

To the people I spoke about in this blog. Thank you! You changed my life this week.


Written in Nov and posted on MySpace

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to watch Amanda play volleyball in her last game as a senior. Wow did that bring back a rush of memories. In my first blog here, I said I would be posting random musings and memories as they pop in my head.

I remember the day that Amanda was born. At about 3AM, Julie wakes up and says "Kevin, I think my water broke". I was leaving at 4 to go work in San Antonio so I was glad the warning came when it did. Julie gets up and goes to the restroom, I get up and follow. As I walked behind her, I was certain that her water had indeed forward past epidural, breakfast with Father and Father-in-law, "get me a Dr. Pepper as soon as the baby is born", 40 people in the L&D room, my announcement that I would watch the Astros that night with my BOY and my surprise at the beautiful baby GIRL God honored me with and we arrive at a quiet time after everyone is gone and Julie and I are staring at this beautiful baby girl that I am holding. As I rock her, Amanda opens her eyes and looks at me. From that moment to this, I am wrapped around her finger and she knows it.

As she became upset because her team was losing, I remembered many times that we have shared...."look Julie she rolled over" (all the family came over after church to see the amazing feat), airplaning, her stubborness (pick up the pen and give it to Mom), our POOP experience, walking in the rain, her swing set on Sweetbriar, first boyfriend, bad boyfriend, promise ring, first car, first wreck ($4300)....

She became more upset and I realized that she has some of my attributes that she would be better of without. I remembered the stupid jokes that are only funny to Amanda, Ashton and I. I remembered "life lessons", explanations of why (not just because I said so), talks that have shown me she is a logical thinker and really really thinks thru a decision.

Most of all, I remembered Butterfly Kisses....she caught me on the couch as it came on the radio and turned it up, came over and crawled in my lap for the entire song (I cried) and gave me a butterfly kiss......I remember a kiss or phone call every night (never missed one) and I remember that I am proud of her. She is turning into a young lady, reaching for independence and finding her own way. I don't think she is near as scared as I am; however, I know she will "do her best" and I know that I will stand beside her no matter what and we will face the world together standing side by side.

Wow, being a Dad is the greatest!


Actually written and posted to MySpace before Christmas

Wow! Since Hurricane Ike my life has been cccrrrraaazzzyyy! My wife and kids have been absolutely terrific (as if they weren't before) and I have been working like a madman. Kenny is relentless and awesome, Eldredge and I have laughed about "Grand Slams" (the pitch, he swings, ooooohhhhhh it is GONE) more than any two people should be allowed to be amused.

Now I am setting in Branson Missouri in the coolest house anyone could ever desire. There is a little loft on the 3rd floor with a chair, footstool and bookshelf filled with wonderment. I am setting in that chair and I am blown away by the goodness of God and the incredible love of Family.

When we arrived on Saturday night we immediately left for Noah (the drama), upon our arrival I see Joel Osteen in the parking lot and get to intro myself to him (said he was getting away from the big city for a few days. I empathize). Appreciate someone that is comfortable with themselves no matter what critics might say! Saw the incredible production (all the animals were moving! you have to be there). Woke up Sunday morning took a long hot shower and spent the rest of the day laying around in pajama pants and being spoiled by the greatest parents on earth. Watched football with Kenneth (brother-in-law) and Dad. Begin to think about all my friends. Wow, I am blessed.

I have now visited Branson Landing and Dixie Stampede. It is about 20 degrees and we are about to go to Silver Dollar City. COOL HUH!. Today I received a friend request from Donnie Farrell a high school friend that I have not heard from in forever. Went to his myspace page and became reaquainted with him and his family. It is so cool to see a pic of him with the explanation that he is trying to lead his young people in the right direction. Wow! You go Donnie! Now I am remembering all my great friends from the old ACA. Good times! Surprised Bro. Porter was not grey earlier. And by the way, THANKS Bro. Porter we all owe you a debt we will never be able to repay.

Boy am I nostalgic or what? Oh well, I am blessed and honored that each of you have chosen to tolerate me for all these years and allowed me to call you friend. I hope that each of you have a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2009!

P.S. I want a cobalt blue steel Daisy Red Ryder with a compass in the stock.